Fingering Charts for all band instruments are found here!
Hold your mouse over an instrument name for a preview below:
Flutes, oboes, clarinets, and
saxes get 3 PAGES!
These extras available with a Single Chart Package or
Complete Set Package.
Unfilled Chart (flute sample):
Helpful for quizzing students.

Blank Chart (flute sample):
Helpful for teaching half-steps and whole-steps without fingerings.

Band Directors: Isn't this how you want
students to visualize pitch relationships anyway?
No more walking to the piano to teach half-step and whole-step patterns in band. I use these charts with 4th grade through 12th grade students. Nothing is easier or clearer. I have saved hours of instructional time because students now now visualize pitch relationships correctly.
My 4th graders, naturally, do not need the extended ranges of the woodwind charts, so I only give them the first 2 out of 3 woodwind pages. On the other hand, my high school students not only get the full range charts, but they also use the unfilled charts as a portion of their summative assessment for final exams.
Plus, students don't ask, "What's a B sharp?" anymore because they can look on their chart and clearly see that B sharp is really a C. Many students incorrectly think that all white keys are whole steps...these charts dispell that myth easily. What once took two or three lessons to teach and reinforce now takes a few short minutes.
I actually have students touch the page, telling them, "place one finger on an E and one finger on an F." Then I ask, "Now how many notes do you see in between E and F?" They answer none. I reply, "Correct! Therefore, you are looking at a half-step!" This exercise provides a tactual component to the lesson, which helps students retain the information in their long-term memoy, and engages their interest, rather than TELLING them what a helf-step or whole-step is.
I stand by these charts with a 100% satisfaction money-back
GUARANTEE! I will correct the problem or send you a complete refund if you
are not happy!
It has taken me about five years to complete this set,
and I think it was worth the time! I use these for my students now, and
I wouldn't even think about going back to conventional fingering charts.
You will never find a better value!
If you have questions, corrections, or requests,
just e-mail me!
-Dave Carroll
Band Instructor, Grades 4-8
Naperville, Illinois
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